Each chord "map" attempts to appeal to both beginners and intermediate/advanced guitarists and keyboardists. Simple chord voicings for beginners are provided with the following finger system:
1 index finger
2 middle finger
3 ring finger
4 little finger
o play open string
x do not play open string
( bar one finger over more than one string
T that rare occasion that I recommend you use your thumb to fret a note
Today's first chord is D major (major) 7th, or Dmaj7:
Guitarists, it's shaped like the A chord, but on different strings.
Keyboardists, D-F#-A-C# spell the chord. It's a D, it's an F#m, it's Superman! Wait, no, it's F#m7.
Next up is F-sharp minor (minor) 7th, or F#m7:
Guitarists, this particular chord shape will test your index finger barring abilities.
Keyboardists, mash up the F#m (F#-A-C#) with the A (A-C#-E), and what do you get? A6. And F#m7.
Anyhow, potentially-compensated product recommendations aside: Two more tomorrow! Cheers!
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