Monday, September 30, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dictionary: Bbsus2 Chord

Not sure if B-flat suspended-2nd chord, or Fsus4 chord.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dictionary: E#sus4 Chord

Not sure if E-sharp suspended-4th, or A#sus2 chord.  In any case, Fsus4 is the better bet.

Dictionary: A#sus2 Chord

Not sure if A-sharp suspended-2nd chord, or E#sus4 chord.

Dictionary: A#sus4 Chord

Not sure if A-sharp suspended-4th chord, or D#sus2 chord.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dictionary: D#sus2 Chord

Not sure if D-sharp suspended-2nd chord, or A#sus4 chord.

Dictionary: D#sus4 Chord

Not sure if D-sharp suspended-4th chord, or G#sus2 chord.

Dictionary: G#sus2 Chord

Not sure if G-sharp suspended-2nd chord, or D#sus4 chord.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Dictionary: G#sus4 Chord

Not sure if G-sharp suspended-4th chord, or C#sus2 chord.

Dictionary: C#sus2 Chord

Not sure if C-sharp suspended-2nd chord, or G#sus4 chord.

Dictionary: C#sus4 Chord

Not sure if C-sharp suspended-4th chord, or F#sus2 chord.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Dictionary: F#sus2 Chord

Not sure if F-sharp suspended-2nd chord, or C#sus4 chord.

Dictionary: F#sus4 Chord

Not sure if F-sharp suspended-4th chord, or Bsus2 chord.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Update: Alternate Spellings for Diminished Triads

This might not be technically correct as far as music theory goes, but we've updated several entries for diminished chords with alternate spellings.  Our rationale is that the correct enharmonic might not register while playing within a scale that uses a different note name.

For example, the D diminished chord consists of the D, F, and Ab notes.  The A harmonic minor scale is A, B, C, D, E, F, G#, and A.  The Ddim chord exists in the A harmonic scale as the following notes:  D, F, and G#, where G-sharp is the enharmonic of A-flat.  When working within the framework of the A harmonic minor scale, it would be more convenient to use the G# note over the Ab note.  That's why we included these alternate, non-standard spellings of various minor chords, linked to below:

Ddim:  Usually D-F-Ab; D-F-G# in A harmonic minor.
Adim:  Usually A-C-Eb; A-C-D# in E harmonic minor.
Edim:  Usually E-G-Bb; E-G-A# in B harmonic minor.
Bdim:  Usually B-D-F; B-D-E# in F# harmonic minor.
F#dim:  Usually F#-A-C; F#-A-B# in C# harmonic minor.
C#dim:  Usually C#-E-G; C#-E-Fx in G# harmonic minor.
G#dim:  Usually G#-B-D; G#-B-Cx in D# harmonic minor.
Abdim:  Usually Ab-Cb-Ebb; Ab-Cb-D in Eb harmonic minor.
Ebdim:  Usually Eb-Gb-Bbb; Eb-Gb-A in Bb harmonic minor.
Bbdim:  Usually Bb-Db-Fb; Bb-Db-E in F harmonic minor.
Fdim:  Usually F-Ab-Cb; F-Ab-B in C harmonic minor.
Cdim:  Usually C-Eb-Gb; C-Eb-F# in G harmonic minor.
Gdim:  Usually G-Bb-Db; G-Bb-C# in D harmonic minor.

Update: Alternate Spellings for Minor Triads

This might not be technically correct as far as music theory goes, but we've updated several entries for minor chords with alternate spellings.  Our rationale is that the correct enharmonic might not register while playing within a scale that uses a different note name.

For example, the F minor chord consists of the F, Ab, and C notes.  The A harmonic minor scale is A, B, C, D, E, F, G#, and A.  The Fm chord exists in the A harmonic scale as the following notes:  F, G#, and C, where G-sharp is the enharmonic of A-flat.  When working within the framework of the A harmonic minor scale, it would be more convenient to use the G# note over the Ab note.  That's why we included these alternate, non-standard spellings of various minor chords, linked to below:

Fm:  Usually F-Ab-C; F-G#-C in A harmonic minor.
Cm:  Usually C-Eb-G; C-D#-G in E harmonic minor.
Gm:  Usually G-Bb-D; G-A#-D in B harmonic minor.
Dm:  Usually D-F-A; D-E#-A in F# harmonic minor.
Am:  Usually A-C-E; A-B#-E in C# harmonic minor.
Em:  Usually E-G-B; E-Fx-B in G# harmonic minor.
Bm:  Usually B-D-F#; B-Cx-F# in D# harmonic minor.
Cbm:  See Bm; in any case, usually Cb-Ebb-Gb; Cb-D-Gb in Eb harmonic minor.
Gbm:  Usually Gb-Bbb-Db; Gb-A-Db in Bb harmonic minor.
Dbm:  Usually Db-Fb-Ab; Db-E-Ab in F harmonic minor.
Abm:  Usually Ab-Cb-Eb; Ab-B-Eb in C harmonic minor.
Ebm:  Usually Eb-Gb-Bb; Eb-F#-Bb in G harmonic minor.
Bbm:  Usually Bb-Db-F; Bb-C#-F in D harmonic minor.

Dictionary: Faug Chord

The F augmented chord contains the same notes as the Aaug, C#aug, and Dbaug chords.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dictionary: Bbaug Chord

Not only is this the B-flat augmented chord, it is also the A#aug, Daug, F#aug, and Gbaug chords as well.

Dictionary: Ebaug Chord

This is not only the E-flat augmented chord, it is also the Gaug, Baug, and D#aug chords as well.

Dictionary: Bbdim Chord

You could think of the B-flat diminished chord as a Gb7 chord, without the G-flat note.  Here is a non-standard, non-B?-D?-F? spelling of the Bbdim chord, which might work in the context of certain scales:

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dictionary: Abaug Chord

This is not only an A-flat augmented chord, it is also the Caug and Eaug chords as well.

Dictionary: Dbm Chord

If you're looking for a simpler D-flat minor chord, check out this entry from May 2010.  Here is a non-standard, non-D?-F?-A? spelling of the Dbm chord, which might make sense in certain scales:

Dictionary: Gdim Chord

You might see the G diminished chord as an Eb7 chord, without the E-flat note.  Here is an alternate, non-G?-B?-D? spelling of the Gdim chord, which might work in the context of certain scales:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dictionary: Eb Chord

If you're looking for a simpler E-flat major guitar chord, check out this entry from September 2007.

Dictionary: Ebdim Chord

You might think of the E-flat diminished chord as a Cb7 chord, well, a B7 chord, without the B note.  Here's a non-standard, non-E?-G?-B? spelling of the Ebdim chord, which might be 'clearer' in the context of certain scales:

Dictionary: Dbaug Chord

This is not only the D-flat augmented chord, it is also the C#aug, Faug, and Aaug chords as well.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Dictionary: Gbm Chord

If you're looking for a simpler G-flat minor guitar chord, check out the F#m chord from August 2007.  Here is an alternate, non-G?-B?-D? spelling of the chord: