Other than saying we're working on something, all the details are a bit secret, but we'll reveal this stuff...soon!
Keep on jammin'.

Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
11:55 PM
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
7:12 PM
Labels: pro tools, production
Quickly recording actual songs, as opposed to spur-of-the-moment, single-progression jam sessions, is taking longer than we'd like. So far we're tracking the drums to the songs that have already been written (and they've been written quickly). Once the drums are in, building the track with basslines, guitars, vocals, etc., will be fun. It'll take some time, but it'll be fun!
Once we are a couple of finished songs in, we'll restart Chord du Jour on a daily basis, with new songs posted about every Wednesday (or a rerun Jam Session...whatever).
Please stay tuned!
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
4:15 PM
Labels: production, songwriting
Chord du Jour will probably return in early June (we need more time to work behind the scenes!). In the meanwhile, we'll post periodic updates at the DeRamos Music website. We'll see you all again in June! Cheers!
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
2:31 PM
Labels: chord du jour, hiatus, news
Exciting things are afoot at Chord du Jour! So exciting, that we'll need to take a couple of weeks off to get a good running start at:
1. Recording Sessions! We plan to take our Jam Sessions concept to another level, by quickly producing actual songs!
2. Adding some helpful reference material! We want Chord du Jour to be much more than a random chord/scale/mode/podcast blog. For all our rock 'n roll silliness, we want to educate. Seriously.
In the meanwhile, we'll be updating our recording endeavors at the DeRamos Music website. We'll see you all again on May 2nd! Cheers!
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
1:20 AM
Labels: chord du jour, hiatus, news
Notes: F G A Bb C D Eb F
F Mixolydian E |----------------------------|----------------------------|-13-15-17| B |----------------------------|-----------------13--15--16-|---------| G |----------------------------|---------14--15-------------|---------| D |-------------------------13-|-15--17---------------------|---------| A |-------------13--15--17-----|----------------------------|---------| E |-13--15--17-----------------|----------------------------|---------|
This week's rewind, Jam Session 212o (6:13; see original show notes) closes out our 12-week run of...well, reruns. I personally like the spacey groove of this jam session. Take a listen:
So next week, I hope we'll have something new...and different! Fingers crossed...
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
3:00 AM
Labels: 212, jam session, podcast, rewind
Notes: F Ab Bb C Eb F (Compare with the F minor scale/Aeolian mode: F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F)
Fm E |---------------------|--------------------|-1--4--6--8--11--13---| B |---------------------|----------1--4------|----------------------| G |---------------------|----1--3------------|----------------------| D |-------------1-------|-3------------------|----------------------| A |-------1--3----------|--------------------|----------------------| E |-1--4----------------|--------------------|----------------------|
Notes: F G Ab Bb C D Eb F
F Dorian E |----------------------------|----------------------------|-13-15-| B |----------------------------|-----------------13--15--16-|-------| G |----------------------------|-----12--13--15-------------|-------| D |---------------------12--13-|-15-------------------------|-------| A |-------------13--15---------|----------------------------|-------| E |-13--15--16-----------------|----------------------------|-------|
This is the Bb major scale: Bb C D Eb F G A Bb
Bb Ionian E |-----------------------|-----------------------|-6--8--10--------| B |-----------------------|--------------6--8--10-|-----------------| G |-----------------------|--------7--8-----------|-----------------| D |---------------------7-|-8--10-----------------|-----------------| A |-----------6--8--10----|-----------------------|-----------------| E |-6--8--10--------------|-----------------------|-----------------|
This week's rewind, Jam Session 111l (15:16; see original show notes), was a fun, disgustingly long, super-noisy bit of rock 'n roll. We had an unmanned guitar on a guitar stand, plugged in to an amp. My brother Jon played a guitar but also controlled foot pedals for the effects attached to his guitar and the unmanned guitar. I played the bass at times, and at other times I smacked the unmanned guitar to play a chord or two. There are no overdubs; all instruments were recorded at the same time. The drum beat was a bit reminiscent to Nine Inch Nails' "March of the Pigs" (but slower). Anyhow, take a listen:
We've challenged ourselves to, instead of creating Jam Sessions, create Recording Sessions next time around (in a couple of weeks). In other words, in place of quickly-created chord progressions and improvisations, we're going to take a bit more time and make some quickly-recorded -- yet full-realized -- songs. It will be quite the challenge for your Jon and Ryan, your Chord du Jour hosts! Can we do it?
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
3:00 AM
Labels: 111, jam session, podcast, rewind
Notes, starting with Bb (even though the it's really in F minor): Bb C Eb F Ab Bb C Eb F
Bbm E |------------------|--------------------|-6--8--11--13-----------| B |------------------|----------6--9------|------------------------| G |------------------|----5--8------------|------------------------| D |-------------6----|-8------------------|------------------------| A |-------6--8-------|--------------------|------------------------| E |-6--8-------------|--------------------|------------------------|
Notes: Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb
Bb Mixolydian E |---------------------|---------------------|-6--8--10------------| B |---------------------|-------------6--8--9-|---------------------| G |---------------------|----5--7--8----------|---------------------| D |----------------5--6-|-8-------------------|---------------------| A |-------5--6--8-------|---------------------|---------------------| E |-6--8----------------|---------------------|---------------------|
Notes: Eb F G A Bb C D Eb
Compare with the Bb major scale (Ionian): Bb C D Eb F G A Bb
Eb Lydian E |---------------------------|------------------------10|-11--13---| B |---------------------------|-------------10--11--13---|----------| G |---------------------------|-----10--12---------------|----------| D |---------------------10--12|-13-----------------------|----------| A |---------10--12--13--------|--------------------------|----------| E |-11--13--------------------|--------------------------|----------|
Today's rewind is Jam Session 310p (6:48; see original show notes). When a production can't get the rights to an actual song, they often hire other musicians to create a mimicking, sound-alike, but not-infringing, replacement track. A more polished recording of Jam Session 310 can potentially be a temp track replacement for several popular songs. (By the way, DeRamos Music runs a temp track replacement service.)
We are so close to new Jam Sessions (and more)!
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
2:00 PM
Labels: 310, jam session, podcast, rewind
Notes: Eb F Ab Bb C Eb
Eb E |-----------------------|------------------------|-11--13---------| B |-----------------------|-------------11--13-----|----------------| G |-----------------------|-----10--13-------------|----------------| D |-----------------10----|-13---------------------|----------------| A |---------11--13--------|------------------------|----------------| E |-11--13----------------|------------------------|----------------|
This is just the Eb major scale: Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb
Db Ionian E |---------------------------|------------------------10|-11--13--15| B |---------------------------|-----------------11--13---|-----------| G |---------------------------|-----10--12--13-----------|-----------| D |---------------------10--12|-13-----------------------|-----------| A |---------10--11--13--------|--------------------------|-----------| E |-11--13--------------------|--------------------------|-----------|
Notes: G# A B C# D E F# G#
G# Locrian E |---------------------|---------------------|-4--5--7------------| B |---------------------|----------------5--7-|--------------------| G |---------------------|-------4--6--7-------|--------------------| D |-------------------4-|-6--7----------------|--------------------| A |----------4--5--7----|---------------------|--------------------| E |-4--5--7-------------|---------------------|--------------------|
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
9:15 PM
Labels: ab, diminished, guitar, mode
Today's Rewind is Jam Session 109i (6:29; see original show notes), which has a 12-bar blues structure, which is essentially a full song in and of itself: Just add lyrics (and some sort of a melody).
In any case, we'll have some new Jam Sessions soon!
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
7:36 PM
Labels: 109, jam session, podcast, rewind