The Scale of the Day is Eb major pentatonic for the guitar:

Chords for Jam Session 111h: Bb Ab Eb
Jam Session Notes: Check out the original show notes here.
Jam Session Serving Suggestions: For stringed instruments, like guitar and bass, try having some open strings (un-fretted notes) that are a part of the key you're using. For example, if you are playing in Eb, tune your strings a half-step down (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb). If you are playing in D, try dropped-D tuning (D A D G B E), full-step down tuning (D G C F A D), or open-D tuning (D A D F# A D). If you are jamming in G, standard tuning is cool, and so is open-G (D G D G B D). You'll find some neat chord voicings that incorporate open strings.
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