Sunday, May 24, 2009

Welcome to Chord du Jour

We have finished only one twelve-week cycle this calendar year (thus far). After some format retooling, we hope to return by November 1st, 2009! Until then, feel free to browse or search this somewhat chaotic blog-scape of musical information from the past two years of Chord du Jour.

If you like the content of this blog, please support us by (1) spreading the word! and/or (2) buying some Chord du Jour merchandise at our new CafePress shop. While the new store is under construction, we still have merchandise available at our old's Daily Chord store, the Right-Handed Blues/Mixolydian Cheat Shirt store, and the Left-Handed Blues/Mixolydian Cheat Shirt store.

We hope you enjoy your stay at Chord du Jour, and please stay tuned!

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