Saturday, October 4, 2008

Remix Radiohead's "Reckoner" (Recording)

The band Radiohead has released a six-track EP for their song "Reckoner" on iTunes Radiohead - Reckoner (Instrument Stems) - EP, consisting of a lead vocal semi-mix, backing vocals semi-mix, guitars semi-mix, bass track, drums track, and a piano/strings semi-mix. This provides you, the budding music producer, a chance to remix the song - add effects, change the pace, record new parts, rearrange the song, etc., to your heart's content. When you are finished with the mix, the band invites you to post your remix at by October 23rd.

According to the band, here's some helpful song info: "BPM is 103.4, Time Signature is 4/4 and we would tell you the key, but it keeps changing. The first chord is C." This might help you if you're adding loops or programming sounds in your remixing/DAW program.

The EP costs about $1.

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