This is Fmaj7, or F major-7th:
1. Place your index finger on the B string, behind the 1st fret (C note). Make sure that you are not touching the High E string in any way, shape, or form.
2. Place your middle finger on the G string, behind the 2nd fret (A note).
3. Place your ring finger on the D string, behind the 3rd fret (F note).
4. Avoiding the Low E and A strings, and playing the D, G, B, and High E strings, strum the Fmaj7 chord!
And so ends our FIRST 12 WEEKS, as we've looked at 7 chords per week, through all 12 keys. Tomorrow, we'll begin again in the Key of C, with new chords, newer ways to play the chords we've already looked at, and possibly other instruments to play those chords, scales, and notes...along with other ways to use the knowledge we've been accumulating on this site.
Please stay tuned for the next installment of Chord du Jour (alternatively, DeRamos.org's Daily Chord), and be sure to subscribe to this daily dose of music education! THANK YOU!
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