This is a very simple pattern to use when playing lead lines in the Key of C. Just follow the orange circles, and you'll be playing the C major pentatonic (penta = five, tonic = tones, or notes) scale in no time!
You can enter the scale at any note, but if this is your first time, start off at the Low E string, behind the 8th fret (where the blue arrow is pointing). That hollow circle, as well as the other hollow circles, represent the location of C notes in the pattern. The filled-in circles are the rest of the C major pentatonic scale: the D, E, G, and A notes.
When you memorize this pattern, be sure to jam with someone else in the Key of C major. Among other chords, these chords are often used in the Key of C: C, F, and G. While someone plays rhythm, experiment playing lead guitar with the C major pentatonic scale!
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